Monday, September 24, 2012

Good Service on United: It still happens!

Over the past year  I have developed a very love/hate relationship with United. I generally like flying them and find them better than some of the other legacy carriers. But, that being said, you can definitely see them going through their growing pains as the merger with Continental is fully realized.

Their phone crews are absolutely horrible...I have never called in and had less than a 20-30 min wait and I am always met with a horrible agent who seems to be troubled that I called and would like them to assist me.

But last night I was shown the good side of United...the side that people always used to talk about before the merger. I had spent the weekend in Denver and was headed back to DC. We boarded the flight and Kelsey and I were stuck all the way in the back of the plane (my least favorite place) and I ran to the bathroom quickly. I started talking to the steward that was working the back section of the plane and was getting the service carts ready for the flight. He was a big kidder and teased me a few times, but then he asked me why I had been in Denver and if DC was my home.

After talking back and forth for a bit he said, "Well for being such a good sport, I want you to have these," and he handed me a box. The box contained two cookies that were normally saved for the first class passengers, but they apparently had a few extra cookies.

I know this isn't a very big gesture, but the kindness of this gentleman is what United should be and could be as an airline. Just taking care of passengers and making sure they are comfortable wherever they are going. This is the United I hope to see again in the future.

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