Monday, April 22, 2013

Sequester Delays Hit Airports

 As expected, and as we wrote about back in February, the first set of furloughs of air traffic controllers begins today, and air travelers are going to be the ones that suffer because of it. The sequester, which is finally starting to hit after going into effect at the end of February, means less air traffic controlers and less TSA Agents so you can plan on delays getting through the airport and then possible delays in the air to help air traffic controllers control the flight load with less staff.

I know that there was much debate when this was first brought up by the Department of Transportation if it would actually happen, and it may not be necessary, but it is real. There were reports of delays in different spots across the country yesterday because of air traffic control, so we don't have to like it, but we do have to prepare for it.

I just wonder how long the delays will last once they hit DCA and the first member of congress misses his/her flight or is delayed for hours and decides to try to end the delays. ;) 

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