Monday, April 15, 2013

City Fatigue

This past weekend, Chris, I and a few of our friends went to Virginia Beach for a long weekend. Each Spring, we pack up and head to the beach. It has been a tradition that we have dubbed, "Get The H*LL Out of DC Weekend."

Why you might ask?

Every Spring, tourists invade Washington, DC like locusts. They stand on the left of the metro escalator, drive in Washington, DC with a GPS, and stopping in the middle of the sidewalk to take a picture. On top of that, the temperature starts to rise and tempers starts to flare. The city starts to get small. Very small. You start to feel like an ant in one of those home ant farms. I have lived in DC for 10 years this August and it happens every Spring. I NEED to escape from the city.

I have dubbed this feeling City Fatigue. The best way to describe "city fatigue" is being over living in a city. Every little thing pisses you off. For example, you miss a metro train and the next one arrives in five minutes, you stomped the ground in anger. Or when you mumble under your breath at the women in front of you at the grocery store that has 16 items in the 15 or under line. Or worse, you yell at the Batista at the coffee shop for giving you your coffee with whole milk, when you told her twice to make it skinny. In normal circumstances, all these situations wouldn't bother you, but with "city fatigue" the smallest things set you off.

For ten years, this has happened to me like clockwork. As soon as the fatigue starts, I know I need to escape from the city as soon as possible. My escape does not have to be a week in a foreign country. Actually, I prefer it to be something low a trip to a close by beach.

I can't explain the feeling, but a quick weekend trip is all it takes to energize you for the next few months. The trip clears your mind, refreshes the body and gives you a little pep in your step. Sometimes, its the simple things in life that make you happy. This weekend, my happiness was watching the sun set over the water, drinking a Margarita on the Rocks......

Do others who live in cities suffer city fatigue or this just a DC thing?

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1 comment:

  1. I don't live in a city big enough for city fatigue, but I definitely get stressed out just from following daily routing for too long. Just like you, a weekend away is enough to reset everything :)
