Sunday, October 14, 2012

Travel Envy

My little student, Chris, is out traveling me. And I don’t like it. Weekends in Denver & Seattle. This current trip in London and Amsterdam. A winter holiday trip throughout Europe. Yes, I am jealous. I have travel envy.

How did this happen? How did the student out travel the teacher?

Well there is not simple answer. All I can say is Chris is hungry to travel and hunger is a powerful motivator to plan travel. For some reason, I don’t have that hunger to travel. Twice this year, I had opportunities to go on trips (hike to Maccu Picchu and the holiday trip to Europe with Chris and his GF) and both times I passed.

What is wrong with me? Passing up trips to stay home to work! The reason for not taking these trips is not a lack of funds, points, or time off from work. It’s a lack of desire. No destination sounds interesting to spend points to travel to.

Why do we collect points to begin with? To travel. There is no other point otherwise.

As I preach, I have spent much time looking at my travel goals. For example, an update of my big goal of traveling to all seven continents in business class has me completing 3 out of 7: Europe, Africa and North America. Therefore, I should focus on Asia, South America or Australia.  (I am leaving Antarctica for 2015).

I have ruled out Australia for 2012 and the first part of 2013. I don’t really have a reason for eliminating Australia, it just is out. Therefore, I have been focusing on South America or Asia. Those two could not be more different. South America will be in summer and most of Asia in winter for the rest of the year and early 2013. One I am familiar with the language (Spanish) and the other one is unfamiliar to me (Asia). And one whose food I am not a fan of (Asian) and one who’s food I am a fanatic about (South American). After all those things, one could assume that I want to go to South America, but that is not the case. I am more intrigued about Asia. The unknown is exciting and intriguing.

I need to get out of this travel rut. Asia here I come.

Chris, move over, the teacher is getting back into the game.

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